WWW Wednesday | November 18, 2020

It’s been years since my last WWW Wednesday post and I thought it would be fun to start doing it again. This weekly meme was created by MizB of A Daily Rhythm and is currently hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s pretty simple. You just have to answer the three W’s:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Feel free to leave a link to your post in the comment below or you can also visit Sam’s WWW Wednesday post and check the answers of the other participants. If you don’t have a blog, you can just leave your answers in the comment section below.Let’s start!

Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

I have been meaning to read this book for a very long time now so I’m very thankful that Kat has started a readathon. I thought it was „the“ sign that I needed to finally picked it up. We had our first group video discussion today and it was fun. Jellicoe Road is about a girl named Taylor who was abandoned by her mother when she was young. She is now in a boarding school and is elected as their leader for the annual territory war against the Townies and Cadets. One day, Hannah, Taylor’s mentor and friend suddenly disappears. I’m currently on chapter 15 (of 27) and I’m glad that I’m enjoying it now. The beginning was confusing and it took me awhile to get used with the writing which I now find really incredible. I’m enjoying the dual timelines and I can’t wait to see how everything will wrap up (hopefully) in the end.

Vampires of Portlandia by Jason

The premise of this book is really interesting. It features Filipino folklore (aswang) that I never see a lot on books published internationally. A family of aswang (vampires) migrated to America from the Philippines few years ago. The head of the aswang passes on the power (an amulet) to Percival, her oldest grandchildren, before she dies. At the same time, the aswang covenant has been broken and there are a lot of killings going on in Portland. It’s now up to Percival to protect his family and the whole aswang community. My main problem is that I cannot connect with any of the characters in this book. I also have some issues with the writing. I don’t think it’s bad but it’s definitely not for me. I’m actually planning on dnf-ing this book but at the same time, I want to know how it will end.

Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas

I listened to the audiobook and it’s wonderful. I loved that Avi Roque (the narrator) is Latinx and Trans just like the main character in the story. They did an amazing job! I enjoyed the mix of spooky, mystery, and festive vibes in this book. The world-building is also very interesting to read. There were just some scenes that felt slow for me and I didn’t find the romance well-developed. Overall, I thought this was a great debut with a very empowering story. My Rating: ★★★★☆

When Time Stopped by Ariana Neumann

This is a read for #NonFictionNovember. The author’s father has left her a box full of documents, letters, and pictures when he died. She then finds out about her father’s past that he refused to talk about. I was impressed by this book. I liked how the author tells the story and her writing is just beautiful. This is a tribute not only to her father and her family but also to all of those people who have perished and survived the second World War. Thanks to Scribe for sending me a free copy. My Rating: ★★★★☆

Shame On Me by Tessa McWatt

Another book on my #NonFictionNovember. Thanks to Scribe for my free copy. Here’s the full synopsis:

Tessa McWatt knows first-hand that the answer to this question, often asked of people of colour by white people, is always more complicated than it seems. Is the answer English, Scottish, British, Caribbean, Portuguese, Indian, Amerindian, French, African, Chinese, Canadian? Like most families, hers is steeped in myth and the anecdotes of grandparents and parents who recount their histories through the lens of desire, aspiration, loss, and shame.

In Shame On Me she unspools all the interwoven strands of her multicoloured inheritance, and knits them back together using additional fibres from literature and history to strengthen the weave of her refabricated tale. She dismantles her own body and examines it piece by piece to build a devastating and incisively subtle analysis of the race debate as it now stands, in this stunningly written exploration of who and what we truly are.

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