These pretties came in the mail today, except my Gizmo, and I can’t help not to share them with you guys.
Murder on the Orient Express
by Agatha Christie
I’ve read And Then There Were None with Joyce few days ago and we both loved it. We’ve decided to start collecting Christie’s novels. This book was recommended to me by the majority of my bookish friends (one of them is Erika) as a second read from Christie.
Snow Like Ashes
by Sara Raasch
This is my book for this month’s „1HB a month“, a „thing“ that Joyce and I started. We love hardbound books (Who doesn’t, right?) but they are quite expensive so we’ve decided to save some money (it’s our husband’s money, actually. Haha!) so we can buy one hardbound every month. I am reading a lot of good things about this book and I’m excited to read this.
I’m excited for Funeral for a Friend. They will be performing later at 9pm in MusikZentrum (Hannover) and it will be my first time watching them live. Yay! Last time I’ve been in a concert was in 2013 when Paramore performed live in Docks, Hamburg and it was epic.
I love your photos ate! 🙂
Yay for „1HB a month“. hehe
Thanks be ♥ Yay for us!
I was kind of late on the Snow Like Ashes train but when I read it last month, I was so astonished by how good it was. I just love fantasy and those kinds of books about a society that is broken really makes me so happy. Authors have such creative imaginations. Hope you like your books and I love these mini haul posts!
I think it’s okay that you were late on the Snow Like Ashes bandwagon because honestly, I’m quite late with fantasy books 😀 I am more into reading YA (even I’m 29 already) and Contemporary novels. This month is like the first time that I’ve read more than 2 fantasy books. And yes, they (the authors) are really genious! Thanks by the way. I added your blog on my bookmark ♥