Friday Finds : The Wander Society by Keri Smith

by Keri Smith
Edition: Hardover (208 pages)
Publisher: Penguin Books (March 29, 2016)

verb  \ˈwän-dər\
to walk/explore/amble in an unplanned or aimless way with a complete openness to the unknown

Several years ago when Keri Smith, bestselling author of Wreck This Journal, discovered cryptic handwritten notations in a worn copy of Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, her interest was piqued. Little did she know at the time that those simple markings would become the basis of a years-long, life-changing exploration into a mysterious group known only as The Wander Society, as well as the subject of this book.

Within these pages, you’ll find the results of Smith’s research: A guide to the Wander Society, a secretive group that holds up the act of wandering, or unplanned exploring, as a way of life. You’ll learn about the group’s mysterious origins, meet fellow wanderers through time, discover how wandering feeds the creative mind, and learn how to best practice the art of wandering, should you choose to accept the mission.

Few weeks ago, I got an email from Ms. Nora of Penguin Books about Keri Smith’s new book called The Wander Society. I have Smith’s Wreck This Box (Wreck This Journal, Mess, This Is Not A Book) and totally love it so I got excited about TWS. The idea of the book is fascinating and I want to know more about the group and meet other wanderers. I’m happy to be an official member of TWS (you can see the I.D. on the photo above) and I can’t wait to start wandering.

Friday Finds is hosted by the awesome Jenn of Books and a Beat. It showcases the books you ‚found‘ and added to your To Be Read (TBR) list… Whether you found them online, or in a  bookstore, or in the library – wherever! (They aren’t necessarily booky you purchased)

2 thoughts on “Friday Finds : The Wander Society by Keri Smith

  1. The premise for this book sounds SO interesting–and sort of reminds me of The Life and Death Brigade from Gilmore Girls (tv show). Here’s hoping your foray into this read is as wild and surprising as it sounds!

    Here’s my Friday Finds, if you’re interested in checking it out. Either way, happy book-ing to you–and have a great weekend!

    1. I’ve never watched Gilmore Girls but yeah, the book is really interesting. Thanks for sharing your finds I got The Book of Strange New Things. ♥

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