Book Review : Play of Light by Debra Doxer

Edition : eBook/Smashwords (254 pages)
Published on :  December 2014
Genre : New Adult, Romance, Contemporary
Source : eARC provided by Xpresso Book Tours via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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“I fell in love with Spencer Pierce the day he saved me from the Pirates.”

My Thoughts

Sara knows that she has something for Spencer since their first meeting but she’s not sure if the boy feels the same way. As they start enjoying each others company, she gets to know him deeply than other people do. Spencer is in pain and he don’t want to include other people, especially Sara, but he feels that he can trust her so he open up to her and asked her to not tell anyone. One night, a tragic event forces Sara and her family to leave their only home. Spencer thinks it’s the best for the both of them. This shatters Sara.

Five years later, Sara visits her old hometown hoping to face and put her nightmares behind and be Sarah Smile again. She also wants to right the wrong thing that was made right after the tragedy. She meet Spencer again and they both discover that nothing has changed between them.

You know that feeling when you don’t have any idea about the book and its author and you end up loving both? That’s what I feel about Play of Light. Honestly, I clicked „request“ because of the amazing cover (yes, I’m guilty of judging a book by its cover). I don’t really read blurbs. It’s also my first read from Ms. Doxer and I’m so glad that I’ve made a right decision.

We get to know the characters mainly Spencer through Sara’s perspectives. Both of them are struggling with what happened years ago and going through a hard time facing and forgetting it. Watching them grow throughout the story made me feel like crying. They seem so real. All the secondary characters like Riley and the band members are incredible they made me want to be part of their circle.

The author did a great job on switching the story from past to present revealing all the important events. The writing style made it clear for me to picture every scene in my head. I felt the sorrow, heartbreak, love, and happiness. It’d also good to know Spencer’s POV in some scenes, like when they meet again after five years or when he sings Sarah Smile for her, but it’s still okay for me because Sara was able to express the things he cannot say.

“Would you ever love me enough to want to spend forever with me?”

The ending is perfect though I still want to read more about Sara and Spencer. Also, I was the whole time wondering what the title of each chapter means until I’ve read the Author’s Note. That was brilliant.

More than a second chance love story, this book will make you realize how love can affect everything around us.

My Rating

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