Book Review : Everything, Everything

Everything, Everything
Nicola Yoon
Edition: Paperback (310 pages)
Published on : September 2015 (Corgi Childrens)
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Fiction


Madeline Whittier is allergic to the outside world. So allergic, in fact, that she has never left the house in all of herseventeen years. But when Olly moves in next door, and wants to talk to Maddie, tiny holes start to appear in the protective bubble her mother has built around her. Olly writes his IM address on a piece of paper, shows it at her window, and suddenly, a door opens. But does Maddie dare to step outside her comfort zone? (x)my-thoughts1

Madeline has a very rare sickness called SCID which makes her allergic to everything. Going outside can kill her so she spends her entire life in her white room with her books. Only her mom (who is a doctor) and Carla (her personal nurse) are allowed to be near her. She’s living her palindromic life until one day, a new family moves in next door and the boy in black caught her attention.

In the beginning there was nothing. And then there was everything.

I have to be honest here. My expectations for this book were so high and I’m sad that I didn’t end up loving it as much as I wanted to. I do love the book cover though. ♥

I’m not sure about how I feel about Madeline. I love that she’s a reader and her relationship towards her mom and hispanic nurse is truly wonderful. I didn’t like when she’s being selfish and too risky. Ollie is adorable and very talented. I like how he stands up for his loved ones and I love his style too. Maddie’s mother is loving and overprotective. She has her reasons though but it’s still unacceptable. My favorite character would be Carla, Maddie’s nurse. She’s positive and really nice. She treats Maddie like her daughter and not just her patient.

The writing style is simply beautiful. I love the drawings, IMs, handwritten notes, especially Maddy’s spoiler book reviews. The combination made my reading experience more enjoyable. Also, kudos for POC main character.

Now let’s talk about the things that didn’t really work out for me.

I loved Maddy and Olly but I would love their romance more if it didn’t happen so fast. And I’m not talking about the „love at first sight“ or insta-love. You probably know what I’m referring to if you’ve read the book. I get that it’s her first time ever to meet a guy but still. There were also some plot holes which makes some parts of the story unrealistic.

I didn’t like how the story turned out after the plot twist. I thought it would be more acceptable if it’s different or if it didn’t happen at all. Also, I wasn’t that impressed with the ending. It felt rushed and there were some important things left unresolved. I felt like the story has a lot of potential because the idea itself is very uniqe and refreshing.

Overall, I still enjoyed reading this book and loved its message. I recommend this if you’re looking for a fast-paced, fun and diverse read.

Life is a gift. Don’t forget to live it.


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