2019 Bookish Goals & Reading Challenges

Is it too late to share my bookish goals? I don’t think so. I want to share with you guys some of my goals and reading challenges that I’ll be participating this year.

19 READING GOALS for 2019


1. Read 33 books! I turned 33 today.
2. Read everyday. At least an hour or 20 pages a day.
3. Join reading challenges AND finish them! New year also means new challenges and I can get over-excited sometimes. I really want to complete at least 2 of the reading challenges I’m joining this year.
4. Write book reviews. It doesn’t matter whether they’re short or long.
5. Read at least 3 classics. And please read To Kill A Mockingbird already!
6. Read all the V.E. Schwab books I have. So far, I have five books unread.
7. Unhaul books! Give them away, sell them, or donate them.
8. Buy less. Read more! I’m actually doing great on this one. Last year, I only bought 22 books out of 114 books I got.
9. Try to DNF a book you’re not enjoying. I’m working on this since last year. It’s really hard for me to do it.
10. Finish some of the series I started million years ago such as To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (3rd book), Penryn & the End of Days (2nd & 3rd), and Harry Potter (last 3 books).
11. Read at least 2 books in German. I don’t really like reading German books but since I’m living here in Germany, I think it’s time to give it a try.
12. Read more books from my TBR stacks. I stop counting the unread books on my shelves. I’ll try to read every month 2 books that I have on my shelves for a long time now.
13. Read more diverse books! Not just books with diverse and LGBTQ+ characters but also more #ownvoices books and books written by POC authors.
14. Say yes only to the books that you will or really want to read. It’s hard to say no to free books but it’s also not good to say yes to all the advance copies and end up not reading them.
15. Less multi-reading books! Do not read 4 different books at the same time. 2 books is acceptable.
16. Reread at least two of my all-favorite books. I’m not good with rereading.
17. Read out of my comfort zone. There are tons of other genres aside from YA Contemporary! Read thriller/suspense, non-fiction, high fantasy, sci-fi, etc,.
18. Read more translations. I read mostly books translated from Japanese.
19. Enjoy reading! The most important of all, I think.


rapunzl gif

Goodreads Reading Challenge
Definitely the most common and infamous one. Simply set the number of books you want to read and start reading. One quick reminder though. Try to be realistic when setting your goal. It can get ugly at the end sometimes especially if you weren’t able to complete it. I know it shouldn’t be but the disappointment is real.

#BetterReadsChallenge by Fahrouk (TheGuywiththeBook)
This is pretty simple, I guess. All you have to do is to read every single day of the year. It doesn’t matter how many pages or hours as long as you read your book.

Popsugar Reading Challenge
The prompts in this challenge are both fun and exciting. I always join every year but I haven’t been able to complete/finish even one. Let’s see this time.

Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge by Anne Bogel
I’ve been a subscriber of MMD since January 2017 but this is my very first time joining the reading challenge. It only has ten categories (for a total of 12 books) and they’re quite easy to complete. I have already completed my tbr list for this challenge.

The Reading Women Challenge
It’s also my first time joining this challenge and I’m really excited. This challenge will help you a lot especially if one of you’re goals this year is to read more women. The categories/prompts are quite unique and very diverse.

What are some of your reading goals for this year? Are you also joining any reading challenges?


6 thoughts on “2019 Bookish Goals & Reading Challenges

  1. I like „Read everyday“ I feel like this kind of goal help to actually sit down and read instead of getting distracted by social media for example.
    Totally approve of „Read all the V.E. Schab books I have“ of course 😀
    Good luck reading some books in German, haha. I don’t enjoy reading in German at all.
    And I’m always in favor of rereading 🙂

    Great goals overall!

    My own goals are
    – to read 100 pages a day
    – reread more (back to how much I reread in 2017)
    – binge read more series again

    Are you doing Popsugar on your own just for yourself? Because we have a group of people tracking our progress in a spreadsheet and it’s kinda fun to see how far others are. If you wanna join…?!

    1. Thanks! ♥ I am so bad at rereading. Also, I want to read german books written by german authors. I tried rereading a favorite (english) book of mine in german and it was hilarious. I didn’t like the translation at all. lol I’m doing the Popsugar for myself but you got my interest with „spreadsheet“! I’d love to join. I need some book recommendation and maybe reading buddies. ♥

      1. Thanks for remind me of those wonderful goals…now my list for 2019 is complete. The 33 books because of your birthday is funny, I like the idea…I should try 😀
        – I’m reading for an hour daily (or a full chapter)
        – Also write books reviews
        – Read only one book at the time, I used to read 4-5 different genere at the same time..that did not take me too far :))
        – Read at least one book from my shelves per month..so read more buy less
        And also I’m planing reading from different cultural and geographical background, from all over the world.

        What recomandation have from a japanese and german background?

    2. Hey Crini, good luck with your goals 😀 I also like to reread close to hearth books 🙂
      Sounds interesting your group, maybe I can join?
      I just restart an old writing project and focus on my reading goals for 2019

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