Anthology Candles : Themed candles with a dash of Whimsy!

Hi guys! I hope you’re all doing great. Lately, I’ve been thinking about starting to post/feature some of my favorite stuff (bookish and non-bookish related) here on my blog. What do you think? It’s also a way to keep my blog updated as well as to share great stuff with you guys since my reading this (and last) month is a total failure. I hope you’re all okay with it. If not then I can’t do anything about it. 😀 Thank you for staying though. ♥

So, I want to introduce you guys to my latest addiction. Don’t worry it doesn’t have anything to do with drugs. It has something to do with scented soy candles from Anthology Candles. I received the candles few days ago and since then, I can’t stop myself from lighting (and smelling) them. I promise you guys, they smell absolutely amazing.

Anthology Candles is a husband and wife duo – Stephen and Rheney Williams – in Charleston, SC who are as passionate about all things „whimsical“ as we are about candles.

Relationship goals, right? ♥ Their scented candles are made with all-natural soy wax and original scents they’ve developed. The exciting part is that all the candles are themed! From Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Walt Disney, C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, Lewis Carroll, to JK Rowling.

I chose the Baker Street Flat (because Sherlock. Need I say more?) and Mad Hatter’s Tea Party (because I love Mad Hatter and want to experience having a tea party with him.) I have to admit that I had a hard time choosing only two candles because they have a lot of great themes.

BAKER STREET FLAT (scents: Sweet Tobacco, Wood, Leather)

Our Baker Street Flat candle smells exactly like you’d expect: Sweet and smooth tobacco from Sherlock’s pipe, leather-bound books and leather chairs, and notes of earthy wood from his violin.

I was excited with this one because I love the smell of leathers and earthy wood. And guess what? This instantly became my favorite. I love the combination of the scents. I can stay the whole day at home reading a good book (of course, one of Sherlock Holmes books) smelling this scent. Like what I said on my Instagram post, all that’s missing is Benedict Cumberbatch.

MAD HATTER’S TEA PARTY (Chamomile Tea, Bakery Cakes with Vanilla Icing, Twist of Cinnamon)

Once you light our Mad Hatter’s Tea Party Candle, unlike the guests at the tea party in Wonderland, you won’t want the party to end! The delicious aroma of sweet bakery cakes, vanilla and Chamomile tea with a hint of cinnamon in this „mad“ orange candle fills the room with the scent of a fantastical tea party… with a twist.

It’s not only the smell that is delicious but also the color of the candle. Honestly, I thought at first I will not like the smell of it because it’s a bit too sweet for me but it changed when I started lighting it. The smell became less sweet and more yummy. I’m okay if it’s always tea time if the scent of this candle is present.

I’m using (burning) these candles almost every night but they still look like brand new. I can say that aside from the wonderful scents of the candles, the quality of them is also superb.

Head over to or @anthologycandles if you also want to have your own whimsically inspired soy candles.

JORD Wood Watches : „Moments are better than minutes.“

Hi guys! A very special package arrived few days ago and I’m still (and forever will be) in love with what’s inside. Are you ready to be amazed?

Jordpronounced as Yord, is Swedish for earth, soil, land.

For those who haven’t heard of JORD Wood Watches, they produce high quality and very unusual timepieces that will surely make you gasp and say „WOW!“. Well, I did. Their stunning watches, both for men and women, are being hand crafted from 100% natural wood from all over the world. Woods like ebony, koa, purpleheart, maple, zebrawood, rosewood, sandalwood, and bamboo. Each piece has its own color and grain pattern (because of the nature of the wood) so it means that no wood watches will look exactly the same. They offer a wide range of selection that will definitely suit your taste and personal style.

I have chosen the Ely Maple series and I was very impressed. It comes in a shiny wooden box with a slide off lid and wrapped around a custom embroidered pillow. I would like to commend the team behind JORD for having one of the most gorgeous packaging I’ve ever seen. Their devotion to give their customers quality product is already shown just with the box itself.

Continue reading „JORD Wood Watches : „Moments are better than minutes.““

I’m back with a Fandom Subscription Box called The Monthly Prophet!

Hi everyone! Guess who’s back? Wow! It’s been a while. I apologize for being inactive here for quite a long time and thank you for not leaving. I’ll try my very best to update my blog starting today. And with that, I want to share some exciting news to you guys. Continue reading „I’m back with a Fandom Subscription Box called The Monthly Prophet!“

Daniel Wellington : A watch for every occassion.

I was so thrilled when I got a collaboration proposal from Ms. Willing of Daniel Wellington. Who am I to say no to this great opportunity. I checked their website to see their collection and instantly found a perfect one for me. I chose the Classy Winchester Rose Gold because I personally love the combination of the blue and pink nato strap. Also, the name has Winchester on it. *ahem* Dean and Sam.

I got an email (Feb 18) that my parcel is on its way and surprisingly, I got it on the next day. Super fast delivery and lovely packaging! One of the things that I love about the watch is the simplicity of it. It doesn’t have too many features which I prefer on a wristwatch. I’m a little picky when it comes to wearing a wristwatch because most of the time I feel uncomfortable and irritated because of its weight. I’m so satisfied that this DW watch is light and very comfortable to wear.

Continue reading „Daniel Wellington : A watch for every occassion.“

MYBOOKMARK – The craziest handcrafted bookmarks.

One of the best things that happened to me last year was when I received an email from Ms. Anastasia of MyBookMark asking me if I’d like to cooperate with them. I was so thrilled that I immediately said yes without thinking twice! I’ve been dreaming of having one of their cool bookmarks eversince I saw them on bookstagram community. And I’m telling you, the bookmark is more gorgeous in real life.

myBOOKmark is the most unusual book marker that’s not just a bookmark. It’s perfect topic starter, piece of fun, crazy gift for a bookworm and motivator to reading!

They asked me to choose any from their bookmarks (How cool is that?) which was hard because they have a lot of awesome designs. From Harry Potter to Game of Thrones, Alice in Wonderland to zombie and pirate.

I chose the cat paw bookmark because a cat paw between the pages of a book looks incredibly cute and I also love cats.


It looks so perfect, right? All their bookmarks are handcrafted and you can really see that they put so much effort (and love) on them. The packaging itself is absolutely lovely and the quality of the bookmark is excellent. You can also choose what to print on the metal part. Mine says „Books make me smart“

For more of their crazy bookmarks, Check out:

If you’re running out of cool ideas of a perfect gift (for any occasions) for someone or you just simply want to treat yourself or make a bookworm happy, then you’ve found the one! ♥

„The Mysterious Mr Quin“ gets a Makeover

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One of the highlights of my reading experience this year is to finally read the works of „The Queen of Crime“, Agatha Christie. I read „And Then There Were None“ and some books from her Miss Marple series and I got hooked instantly. As a newbie, I am not so familiar with her other works especially the underrated ones that’s why I am so happy to know about this new app called Mr Quin.

11384378Mr Quin app brings Agatha Christie’s short story collection, „The Mysterious Mr Quin“, to life. This app introduces us to a whole new experience of solving one of Christie’s mystery story with the use of social media and high technology gadgets.

Love & Death, the pilot episode, is based on „The Coming of Mr. Quin“. A launch party was held at a manor known as the Suicide House and Mr. Satterthwaite has been invited to live blog the event. Things turned out strange when a Mr Quin joins their conversation and helps them uncovering the mystery of their friend’s death five years ago in the same manor. Check out to watch the trailer.

One of the things i like about this app is the way the story unfolds. The characters are conversing in real time by posting their messages (both public and direct) on a twitter-like timeline that can be read by viewers. Just like in „real social media“, the characters are also posting short videos (shot by the characters themselves), funny GIFs and blog links. You can also view their profile to know more about them. If you’re in the middle of the story and you have to leave, you don’t have to worry because you can continue where you left. You can also restart if you want to read all over again. Surely you won’t miss anything.

It’s my first time experiencing this type of story-telling and I personally enjoyed it. It feels so natural especially for me who is into reading and social media. It’s fascinating how the past meets the present. To think that the story was written many years ago! I will definitely recommend Mr Quin app to my fellow readers. It’s addicting and I really hope there’ll be more to come. I’m pretty sure that the Queen of Crime is proud of this.

Get yours now!

Trashy Crafter Recycled Book Jewelry : „Don’t Just Read It, Wear It!“

Hi everyone! You might be wondering what this post is all about. Well, this is not a book review or a weekly meme but still book related. I want to share you guys how awesome Trashy Crafter is. Yes, that’s the name of their jewelry shop.

Miss Kimberly, the owner/crafter and a book-lover, emailed me and asked if I would like to review one of their products and as a person who loves books and accessories, who am I to say no, right?

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After a few days, I received a very cool two-piece bracelet set made out of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling.  Aside from this is so far my favorite book from the series, I chose this because Harry Potter books make me feel young. Reading these books makes me believe in magic and it’s a great experience.

One of the things I like about this shop is its uniqueness. From the packaging (all envelopes are handmade from old maps/atlases) to the product itself. The idea is so clever. Used beads together with pages of a damaged book turned into beads . How cool is that? Plus, I was shocked with how fast the package came in our mail. To think that I’m here in Germany.

I personally love the bracelet because it’s easy for me to pair it with any of my outfit. It’s comfortable to wear because it’s light and I can also wear it in any occassions because it looks classy.

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This is a perfect gift for all occassions! Aside from bracelets, Trashy Crafter also have necklaces, earrings and lanyards. There is a wide variety of themes you can choose from. Either you love novels, children books, comics, maps or music.

(SEPT 24 – OCT 24)

 So, let’s get to know the shop and the team.


How It ALL Began


„Books are magical, they give you the ability to go on a jungle safari one minute and a deep see dive with mermaids the next, but what happens when books has gotten lots of love from years of use? The pages get creased, dog-eared and ripped, the bend or even start to fall off. That’s where my Mom Helen and I come in, and this is where the story of Trashy Crafter begins.

One day while I was in my senior year of college and my Mom and I went to the local thrift store. While there we noticed they had these auction bins out front of the store full of damaged and outdated books. We found out that when books would not sell at the thrift store because of being damaged or outdated, they auctioned them off, and if the folks sifting through the auction bin thought could not sell the book or it was too damaged it was just thrown away. Needless to say my Mom and I were heartbroken that all those beautifully illustrated children’s books were just thrown away… so we grabbed about 25 books each in our arms and took them home.

I was very lucky to have a 3rd grade teacher that was very crafty, her name was Mrs. Bryant. She had taught us how to roll magazines pages into paper beads (I’m sure many of you have done this in girl scouts or grade school). I made my first few beads and knew from then I was hooked, the most magical part about it to me is that you not only create beautiful, colorful unique beads made from something that was going to be thrown into a landfill, but you know what book or item it was made from!“ – Ms. Kim

The Process

Trashy-Crafter-Recycled-Paper-Bead-Jewelry.jpg-1024x1024„My Mom Helen and I gather the books from a lot of different places, sometimes we find them in cardboard boxes outside of library’s, in thrift stores on the clearance shelf or in the bins, and even get books, maps or sheet music donated from folks that love and support our mission. Once we gather all of the books we measure and hand cut the book pages into long narrow triangle strips and roll them one at a time onto lollipop sticks. Once they are on there we coat each bead 3-5 times depending on the thickness of the paper. Once that is done we spray them with a matte finish and then we start to make them into the finished jewelry.

We purchase damaged necklaces and bracelets from the local thrift store and strip them apart to repurpose the beads. We create the jewelry with a mixture of the paper book page beads we made along with the repurposed beads. Once that is finished, we hand cut recycled cardboard bracelet holders and place the book labeling on to each set so folks know what book their bracelets were made from.“ – Ms. Kim

the Reason behind all of these

„Everyone has stories, and connects with them so well, the reason we continue to create recycled book beads, map beads and sheet music beads is that when people purchase a set at a local craft show or online they have a story behind what they wear…. Perhaps they went on a road trip across the country, and that map bead bracelet they wear reminds them of the fun they had, or they had a band teacher that taught them to play an instrument, so they give them a sheet music bracelet as a token of appreciation… or even a gift for a mom or teacher that read you a book as a child that connected with you and stayed in your memory to this day. As humans we all connect universally with stories, and it’s a beautiful thing to throw away, so my Mom and I plan on fighting the good fight and continuing to turn old books into beautiful, wearable works of art.“ – Ms. Kim

How much do you love books/reading?

„I grew up on Dr. Seuss that was what I read with my Grandma every day before and after school, Hop on Pop was my favorite, but I loved many others too. Pretty much from a young adult to now I love non fiction books, I am an audio book fanatic, I like to be doing something while I listen to books. My favorite books are self help books, motivational books and business books. It’s such a treat to get home from my day job and listen to a book by Napoleon hill, Daren Hardy or Seth Godin among others. I have always been the nerdy kid that loved the boring non fiction books haha :)“ – Ms. Kim

Check out :

I would like to thank Ms. Kim and the team for being so generous and for giving me this opportunity. You guys are amazing! ♥