International Blog Tour + Book Review | Song of the Crimson Flower by Julie Dao

Series: Rise of the Empress companion
Author : Julie C. Dao

Published on : November 5, 2019
Publisher : Philomel Books
ISBN : 9781524738358
Genre : Fiction, Young Adult Fantasy, Sci-Fi
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International Blog Tour & Book Review + Moodboard and Excerpt | My Fate According to the Butterfly

Author: Gail D. Villanueva
Published on : July 30, 2019
Publisher : Scholastic Press
Genre : Fiction, Middle Grade, Contemporary, OwnVoices
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Book Review & International Blog Tour | Gumiho: Wicked Fox by Kat Cho

Series : Gumiho #1
Genre : Young Adult Fiction, Fantasy
Published on : June 25, 2019
Publisher : G.P. Putnam’s Sons BFYR
ISBN : 9780451481290
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*Huge thanks to PRH International for sending me a free copy of the book. This did not affect my overall opinion of the book. Continue reading „Book Review & International Blog Tour | Gumiho: Wicked Fox by Kat Cho“

Book Review | Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck & Fortune by Roselle Lim

Genre : Fiction, Adult Contemporary
Published on : June 11, 2019
Publisher : Berkley Books
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*Huge thanks to Berkley Publishing, PRHInternational/PRHGlobal, and NetGalley for sending me a free advance copy.
This did not affect my overall opinion of the book.
Continue reading „Book Review | Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck & Fortune by Roselle Lim“