Let’s get to know each other!

Hello guys! I hope you’re all having a great weekend. We’ve decided to stay at home today because it’s cloudy and cold outside and we’re lazy to go out. Last night (around 2am) I posted a Q&A topic on my bookstagram account and I’d like to thank those who took their time to leave some questions for me. ♥ I’ll be answering the questions here so, happy reading.

vicy_on : Where do u get ur money because i can’t even buy myself 3 books per month??

I save my money for books and I don’t always buy a lot every month. Normally, I buy books if they’re on sale. Also, my husband knows me very well that if he wants to buy me gifts, he’ll just ask me „books or food?“ 😀

basketofbooks : What do you think your favorite sub genre of fiction is? I think mine probably is either contemporary or fantasy.

I think realistic fiction is my most favorite. I also enjoy reading mystery and fantasy books.

miriamtelli : Double question! What do you think makes a bookstagram successful and old books or new?

I think it’s how you interact with other bookstagramers (both the people you are following and who are following your account). One of the purpose of having a bookstagram account (in my opinion) is to meet other people who have the same interest like you. To find people who you can fangirling with. You also have to remember that your account somehow reflects who you are so you may want to keep it real and always be yourself. Don’t try to please other people because you want to have more likes and followers. Do what you want and what makes you happy as long as you’re not hurting others. Always keep an open mind. 🙂 Hmm. I’m okay with old books as long as I can still read the pages. I have some books I bought from secondhand bookstores and library booksale.

insidethebookpages : What camera and filters do you use?

I’m using my cellphone’s (iphone 5c) camera and VSCO app for editing my pictures. I use different filters depending on the outcome of the original photo and my mood. 😀 You can see on my previous photos that I always change theme. Sometimes it depends with season. If it’s Spring/Summer time, my photos are brighter compared to posts during Fall/Winter time. 😀

thebookmaidenWhich do you prefer Hardbacks or Paperbacks? I prefer hardbacks but since its so expensive here in our country, most of my books are in paperbacks. ?
fushiee_ : Do u like hardcovers or soft? and does having different covers in a series upset u? -i like soft ones and REALY prefer to have a series in one set of cover design

I’m okay with both. Most of my books are paperbacks because they’re cheaper than hardcovers and easy to carry. I like hardcovers because they look pretty on the shelves. 🙂 And sometimes if I really want the hardcover edition (like with TFIOS), I save my money for it.
I hate it if they changed it half way through the series. If they want to change or to have a different cover, they should wait for the whole series to be over.

thepetitebookblogger : What are your 5 favorite book covers? (You can only choose books on your shelves ?) My favorites are The Unexpected Everything, Illuminea, Wanderlost, The Book Thief (10th anniversary edition) and Ruby Redfort.

Just five? 😀 Some of my favorites are The Book Thief, The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Univers (it’s more pretty without the award logos), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Even The Moon Has Scars.

Continue reading „Let’s get to know each other!“

Bookstagrammers Rock!

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I’m not really sure where to start, but whatever.

Yesterday, I noticed that the number  of my followers (on my bookstagram – @kath_reads) were getting higher that the usual. I thought maybe it’s because of my giveaway post but I checked it and not even 30 people joined. Then Berkley (@biblioberk) tagged me on her post. She said that „Instagram is featuring Bookstagrammers today!“. Then I noticed that someone send me a direct message. She said that her name is Berna (@heyberna) and she’s working on the Community Team at Instagram and they included maccount on the Bookstagrammers‘ List which is now live for everyone in the US. She also send some screenshots of how it looks like. I was speechless about it! I was thinking – „WOW! Is this really happening?“. It’s so overwhelming and it feels unreal!

I wasn’t expecting anything when I decided to create my account. Not even having 500 followers. I just simply share some photos of my books and thoughts about the ones I read. Well okay, I was expecting to meet other book lovers around the world especially those who are from the Philippines. But having more than 10k followers and being featured on Instagram? Definitely not! Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining about it. I just can’t believe it.

I started my account around July last year and it feels so great that this community accepted me and made me feel that I belong. I’m so thankful to all of my fellow book lovers and I love each and every one of you!
